Week 3 Part B: Developing a Brand

The brand formed about 10 years ago, putting colors together showing off as ink colors. Colorful way to catch the eye. It stands out and is tilted oh so slightly to the eye. Even though we have changed our emails and website to lambca now, the name Lamb Screen Printing is still the long levity name of the business. We figured lambca was easy to remember and type when emailing. Saying @lambca.com was easier than the old @lambscreenprinting.com 
When Lamb Screen Printing begun there was not one computer. It was a typewriter, paper and pencil everyday. My mom took orders over the phone and called into vendors to purchase product. It has evolved into quite a production 34 years later.
The brand and the first look a customer has at the business is priceless. From how fast the sites loads to business hours. Everything is important. 



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