Week 1B: Social Media Use Today

 Social media today has sky rocketed with being the normal use for everyday life. We use social media to check important and non important aspects of life. The way business use it to drum up more business to the soccer mom checking in at Starbucks for her morning coffee. It would be safe to say that it's a high percentage of the people check a social media app first before getting out of bed. 

    Social medias' influence on what and how we do things is incredible. When I see someone post that a new place to eat was great, makes me what to try that place to eat. When someone is at the beach and the waves looks pretty I plan a trip to the beach. Social media can guild us in what and how we do things. It allows other peoples options and outlook on life to influence the reader. 

    Some youngsters cannot image a would without social media. How many likes they receive on a post consumes them from day to day. How many more follows something has gained them. Who sees what and who comments on what determines the mood of daily social media user.

     While there is so much to be gained using social media so much time is also lost if not used well. My goal is to find the positive ways social media can be used in my daily business life. 


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